“We cannot worry only about the rights of humans, but also of the rights of the land, the sea, the plants and the animals. Slow Food wants to conciliate an ethical environmental message with economic prospects. The elements for the safeguarding of biodiversity and of ecosystems have become a priority in respect to commercial and gastronomic elements. At Slow Fish, for example, the majority of attention has been dedicated to education and tutelage, precisely with the goal of creating a new economic model.
An economy that assumes the concept of limits, which does not mean renounce, but to harmonize itself with the rhythms of the planet when exploiting its resources: in agricultural production, in fishing, in energy use. If we follow this path, we will enter an era of joy and we will begin to understand, for example, that the sun is more important than the petroleum of the sheiks. I hope that from Genoa, with Slow Fish, this message will prevail”.
These were the words of Slow Food founder, Carlo Petrini, at the recent Slow Fish event held in Genoa, dedicated to the world of fish and its related benefits and problems. The show was organized by Slow Food and the Liguria Region, with the sponsorship of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of the Environment.
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