A three liter bottle of Sodi di San Niccolò 1997 by Castellare di Castellina reached a bid of 4,300 euros (acquired by the Umbrian entrepreneur, Giorgio Pizzi), a double magnum of Sassicaia 2003 from Tenuta San Guido went for 1,900 euros, a 3 liter bottle of Ornellaia 1990 from the Tenuta dell’Ornellaia got 1,000 euros, a bottle of Regaleali by the Conte Tasca d’Almerita 1979 for 900 euros, a cuvee imperial of Berlucchi 1995 (2000 edition with label designed by artist Arnaldo Pomodoro) for 650 euros: these were the top bids reached at the benefit auction that was recently held in Spoleto for I Vini Nel Mondo (The Wines of the World, www.vininelmondo.org).
The event successfully raised over 18,000 euros that will be passed on to associations dedicated to children’s aid projects (Sichem-Crocevia dei Popoli and the Associazione Bambini Cardiopatici nel Mondo).
The auction was conducted by the director of Maison Bibelot, together with actor Franco Nero, stylist Renato Balestra, journalist Michele Cucuzza, the duo from Tv program Decanter (Rai 2) Federico Quaranta and Nicola Prudente, and Paolo Rossi the world soccer champion turned Tuscan winemaker.
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