Lodovico Antinori - not long ago the "dues ex machine" at the Ornellaia Estate, and today the head of an ambitious project at the Biserno Estate (the new name which was recently chosen and which substitutes that of "Campo di Sasso") - together with is brother Piero and sister Ilaria, are looking optimistically at the future of Italian wines on the so-called emerging markets, with those in Asia at the head of the list.
"In the conquest of markets, especially those in Asia - explained Antinori - the first to arrive are inevitably the French, but after the first frenzied wave of their products, we are now arriving. Our way of positioning ourselves on those markets is more modern and dynamic and our distribution of wines is profoundly different from that of the French: we know how to be closer to our clients". But for Lodovico Antinori, one of the Italian producers most attentive to the smallest variations in international market trends, the force lies in the fact that, "The arrival of our wines coincides with the affirmation of our cooking, which, especially in Asia, is much appreciated There are many Italian restaurants that have decided to work in Asia and there are many, just think of the Japanese example, oriental restaurants that have arrived here and that have then imported our cuisine to their countries".
Antinori continued by pointing out that, together with Italian fashion, “which we can define as the "ambassador" of "Made in Italy" goods, these other representatives of Italian style give, evidently, a big hand to Italian wine and I am optimistic about the future in Asia". Thus, Asia no longer represents a market mystery for Italian wines. And if, "China becomes a favourable market within ten years, it is necessary to look at the continuous novelties that that country has to offer. For example, Macao will soon become the world capital for gambling, surpassing Las Vegas, which is a notoriously important place for wine sales. It is necessary - concluded Antinori - to know how to be ready to exploit an occasion of this type".
For the entire interview go to www.winenews.tv
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