Montefalco, located in the heart of Umbria (the capital of Sagrantino), was chosen as the location for the latest Symbola convention held on 21 and 22 July. Symbola ( is the foundation for Italian quality presided over by Ermete Realacci. Montefalco is also home to the Arnaldo Caprai winery, one of the enterprises that has joined Symbola (together with Masciarelli from Abruzzo, and Sicilian Donnafugata) as an example of Italian excellence, capable of transforming the unknown Sagrantino varietal into a cult wine among enthusiasts all over the world.
Symbola is made up of various international personalities from the economic and entrepreneurial world, with active citizens, territorial and institutional entities, and the cultural sector: Alessandro Profumo, is the Forum for Enterprises President, Domenico De Masi, is President of the Scientific Committee, Fabio Renzi, Secretary General, and among the promoters are, Carlo De Benedetti, Diego Della Valle, Walter Veltroni, Franco Pasquali di Coldiretti, Guido Bertolaso, Aldo Bonomi, Salvatore Settis, Carlo Petrini, and Pasquale Pistorio, to name just a few. The Symbola summer meeting, titled “The future of Italy: the challenge of the Soft Economy” opened at Bevagna with introductory reports, and the first session dedicated to territorial networks for quality and the protagonists of the Soft Economy.
The following day continued at Montefalco with the second session attended by authoritative representatives of the economy, institutions, politics and culture, who spoke about the results of investigations on Italian quality initiatives promoted by Symbola and overseen by Domenico De Masi. Ermete Realacci explained that, “The mission of Symbola is consolidated in confirming a model of development in which territories meet enterprises, where alliances are made between new technologies and tradition; where competition is nourished by training, research, social cohesion and positive relations with the community. In a moment of trouble for the country, it is a call to all of those, and there are many, who are aiming towards quality and the talents of the territories. It intends to unite these common experiences: it will be the lobby for Italian quality”.
The Arnaldo Caprai winery is among the protagonists of the book “Soft Economy” by Ermete Realacci and journalist Antonio Cianciullo, which is a journey of discovery through an Italy capable of competing in the global challenge, uniting tradition and hi-tech, parks and research centers, tourism and innovative industry. The two days of Symbola were organized in collaboration with the Umbria Region, the Municipalities of Montefalco and Bevagna, the Chamber of Commerce of Perugia, the Strada del Sagrantino Association, the Arnaldo Caprai winery, Coldiretti and Italgraf/Raggioverde.
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