A fully organic wine company, and with a complete productive cycle which is being realized in the archaeological site of Pompeii with a real “archaeological” vineyard, which, strong on the experience acquired in the last years on already existing vineyards, will be built arriving to a vineyard extension, which, in the time, will overcome 6 hectares, and with structures of winemaking and sharpening to be realized in the perimeter of the Park to be back to produce high quality “Pompeiian wine”. Here is the “beating hearth” of the special form of public-private partnership through which Tenute Capaldo Group, and, particularly, Feudi di San Gregorio and Basilisco wineries, already “custodians” of the history of wine of the respective territories, from Irpinia in Campania to Vulture in Basilicata (with the so-called “patriarchs of the vine”) support the Archaeological Park of the ancient city interred by the eruption of the Vesuvius in 79 Ac, Unesco World Heritage Site, in the management and historical valorization of vineyards among the most famous and visited excavations in the world, illustrated, today, in the scenario of the Vineyard in the House of the Ship Europa (and about which, we gave news already at the end of 2024, ed).
A long-term project with which Pompeii writes a new chapter for viticulture, and the history of the naturalistic heritage of the site and not only, whose execution is not entrusted to the classic tools of public-private collaboration (the concession or the contract), but is ensured by a partnership in which the Park and Tenute Capaldo Group collaborate putting at common factor the respective experiences and competences. Therefore, the new company leverages on important research about the traditional techniques of vine cultivation, and grapes transformation, in collaboration with Professor Attilio Scienza of the University of Milan, in addition to benefit from the consolidated agronomic competences of Feudi di San Gregorio, and of its production responsible Pierpaolo Sirch, agronomist of international fame.
“Since the Nineties, the Archaeological Park dealt with the analysis of the vineyards of ancient Pompeii throughout the studies of botany carried out by the internal Laboratory of applied research to investigate the historical scientific characteristics, viticulture techniques, and, therefore, food habits. Since then, actions of valorization of vineyards were implemented in order to explain and make the ancient city be known under several aspects - said director of Park Gabriel Zuchtriegel – today, the Park is investing in a wider form of valorization, as well as protection of natural heritage, landscape, and environment which are integrating elements of the archaeological area. The wine company is part of a wider project of archeo-agricultural company which is involving also other activities, such as the valorization and cultivation of olive trees, the projects of social agriculture within the field of “social and cultural farm”. And, the winning path to reach important results for all the surrounding territory is, according to us, the involvement of privates with specific competences such as active partners of projects”.
According to Feudi di San Gregorio, which, since almost 40 years, is committed in the study, and in the valorization of local vineyards of Campania (including the centennial vineyards of Taurasi, in Sorbo Serpico), the project is part of the commitment aiming to the valorization of the territory and local communities, inserted also in the company statute upon transformation into Benefit Company (2021). “The Archaeological Park of Pompeii is one of the most relevant cultural sites in the world, and represents a fundamental pillar of the identity of our region. Therefore, we have joined this project with enthusiasm putting our competences at the service of the Park to develop an innovative agricultural and agronomic project together. We want to make Pompeii live again not only as research and knowledge center, but also as production and exchange center returning to its historical roots. For this reason, time and important investments will be necessary, but this thing doesn’t scare us, rather: have the courage to undertake new roads looking at this millennial project with new eyes compares our vision to that of the Park. The chosen approach is strongly cultural, and non-speculative with a forward-looking vision which looks over the immediate return, and thinks about the future of new coming generations ensuring a sustainable future in this extraordinary place. Moreover, it offers us the possibility to continue to share with the world the millennial culture of wine”, concluded Antonio Capaldo, president of Feudi di San Gregorio (to the group, among the most important of Italy, also Galardi, producer of iconic wine Terra di Lavoro in the province of Caserta, Campo alle Comete, in Bolgheri, and Sirch, in Colli Orientali del Friuli, and which put roots also on Ischia refer).
The aim is dual: on the one hand, to produce authentic high quality wines, on the other hand, to integrate viticulture with history, and the visit path of Archaeological Park. But, also going beyond its perimeter, because the wine company will be strongly inserted in its territory, not only from a cultural and productive point of view, but also from the social tissue, with the involvement of realities of the so-called Third Sector in production phases.
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