Even in Japan it will now be possible to enjoy a “verace” Neapolitan pizza, prepared according to the “disciplines of the true Neapolitan pizza”. During the “Pizzafest” held recently in Naples, a protocol was signed between the association “Verace Pizza Napoletana” and a delegation of Japanese pizza makers participating in the city’s “Pizza Day”, the first international festival of pizza experts. It is a protocol that foresees the opening of the association’s office in Tokyo: a way to realize promotion and, above all, training.
There are already twelve participating members and seven pizza restaurants (who will undergo a quality exam given by the Neapolitan staff soon to make an official visit to Japan) will be opening by the end of the year. “In January” – announced Antonio Pace, President of the ‘Verace Pizza Napoletana’ association – “we will be in Japan to organize a demonstration and to look at the members already operating in the country in order to verify the quality of their product, as well as controlling the quality of the condiments used, which, as one knows, must be simple and genuine. On this occasion we will visit seven new aspiring members who have asked to become part of the association.
Our estimate, according to conversations that are already underway, is to allow for a growth of seven pizzerie members per year. In a reasonable period of time, therefore, we will be able to tranquilly confirm that even in Japan it will be possible to eat a real Neapolitan pizza, not just good, but also traditional.
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