Audio contribution by For Michele Chiarlo, ”In Piedmont, we have touched on perfection in quality. A slight fall in production is not a problem”. This is just one of the comments collected by when four of the most authoritative wine producers in Italy were questioned on how they thought the 2007 grape harvest was proceeding.
From Piedmont Barolo producer, Michele Chiarlo, to Fausto Peratoner, the director of the cooperative winemaking colossal, Cantina La Visa in the Trentino; from Marco Caprai, the Umbrian winemaker who put Sagrantino back on the map, to Alessio Planeta in Sicily who, together with Francesca and Santi, run the most successful winery in Sicily - all agree that the uniting factor of the Italian grape harvest, from the north to the south, is the high quality of this year’s wine.
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