Daniele Cernilli, the co-director of Gambero Rosso, is on ‘Decanter’s’ 2007 “Power List” together with Angelo Gaja and Piero Antinori. “I am happy for myself and for ‘Gambero’, but as Italians, we could have been more”.
According to the “Power List” (the list of the most powerful protagonists in the wine world) that is made every two years by the authoritative British wine magazine ‘Decanter’, the most important Italian figures worldwide are Piero Antinori (21st place), who is head of one of the most important names in Italian wine, Danielle Cernilli (34th place), co-director of the wine & food magazine ‘Gambero Rosso’ and one of the most popular guides to Italian wine (‘Vini d’Italia’), and Angelo Gaja (47th place), another one of the most famous names in Italian winemaking.
‘Decanter’s’ 2007 “Power List” (*) of the most important names in the world of wine
1. Robert Parker (Usa), Herausgeber und Weinkritiker.
2. Mel Dick (Usa), Vizepräsident der Southern Wine & Spirits of America.
3. Richard Sands (Usa), Vorsitzender und Ceo Constellation Brands.
4. Trevor O’Hoy (Aus), Ceo Forster’s Group.
5. Richard Evans (Usa), Präsident und Ceo Alcan Inc. .
6. Patrick Picard (F), Vorsitzender und Ceo Pernod Ricard.
7. Joseph Gallo (Usa), Präsident und Ceo E&J Gallo.
8. Michel Rolland (F), Weinberater.
9. Jancis Robinson (Gb), Autorin, Journalistin und Beraterin.
10. Annette Alvarez-Peters (Usa), Einkaufsdirektorin von Costco Wh. Corp. .
11. Bernard Arnault (F), Vorsitz und Ceo Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy.
12. Dan Jago (Gb), Weindirektor Tesco.
13. Robert Paulinski (Usa), Einkäufer bei Sam’s Clubs, Wal-Mart.
14. Eduardo Guilisasti (Rch), Ceo Concha y Toro.
15. Marvin Shanken (Usa), Eigentümer, Herausgeber des Wine Spectator.
16. Steven Spurrier (Gb), Beratender Autor des Decanter.
17. Hugh Johnson (Gb), Weinautor.
18. Nobutado Saji (J), Vorsitzender Suntory.
19. Miguel Torres (E), Präsident Torres.
20. Yves Bénard (F), Präsident Inao.
21. Piero Antinori (I), Direktor Antinori.
22. Bernard Magrez (F), Eigentümer Bernard Magrez Grands Vignobles.
23. Pierre Castel (F), Präsident und Gründer Groupe Castel.
24. Nicolas Joly (F), Biowein-Erzeuger.
25. Tony Laithwaite (Gb), Vorsitzender Direct Wines.
26. Simon Berry (Gb), Vorsitzender Berry Bros & Rudd.
27. Frédéric Rouzaud (F), Manager Louis Roederer.
28. Eric de Rothschild (F), Präsident Domaines Barons de Rothschild.
29. Stéphane Derenoncourt (F), Weinberater.
30. Jean-Charles Boisset (F), Vize-Präsident Boisset La Familie des Gr. Vines.
31. Marcel Guigal (F), Vorsitzender E. Guigal.
32. Jeff Zacharia (Usa), Präsident Zachys.
33. Denis Dubourdieu (F), Professor und Weinberater.
34. Daniele Cernilli (I), Autor Gambero Rosso.
35. Pierre-Henry Gagey (F), Präsident Maison Louis Jadot.
36. Eric Boissenot (F), Weinberater.
37. Don St Pierre Jr (Cn), Vorsitzender ASC Fine Wines.
38. Philippe Casteja (F), Händler, Château-Besitzer, Lobbyist.
39. Yasuhisa Hirose (J), Präsident Enoteca.
40. Hubert de Boüard (F), Eigentümer Château Angélus.
41. Dr. Richard Smart (Aus), Berater.
42. Mariann Fischer Boel (Dk), Europa-Politikerin Euac.
43. Christian Moueix (F), Eigentümer Moueix.
44. Georges Duboeuf (F), Eigentümer Les Vines Georges Duboeuf.
45. Brian Croser (Aus), Gründer Petaluma.
46. Oz Clarke (Gb), Autor und TV-Moderator.
47. Angelo Gaja (I) Eigentümer Gaja.
48. Al Gore (Usa), Ehem. Vizepräsident der Usa.
49. John Casella (Aus), direttore Casella Wines.
50. Richard & Judy (Gb), Tv-moderatoren.
* - The list is in German because at the time of publication on this site it was the only complete list available online. .
A few comments by Daniele Cernilli, co-director of ‘Gambero Rosso’.
”I am happy and surprised to be part of the “Power List” by ‘Decanter’ for the second time, above all, because there are few journalists, who are mostly Anglo-Saxon (a sign of how powerful the Anglo-Saxon press is in this sector). But it is also recognition for ‘Gambero Rosso’, the only publication in a country (a great producing country like Italy) that has also had success abroad. .
“We are only three Italians” – continued Cernilli – “but given that there are also great enologists on the classification like Michelle Rolland, a Riccardo Cotarella or a Carlo Ferrini could have also been included”. .
Cernilli concluded by pointing out that, although the classification by ‘Decanter’ is important, it is just one of many and, apart from the personal satisfaction, it should be taken for its true worth.
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