Native, indigenous, historical: the essential key words embodying the philosophy of Vitigno Italia second edition. This appointment cannot be missed. It is a totally unique opportunity to experience an unforgettable journey from Trentino down to Sicily, not only tasting world renowned grape varieties like “Nebbiolo, Dolcetto, Aglianico, Nero d’Avola and many others, but also letting oneself be seduced by other varieties like Cococciola from Abruzzo, Gaglioppo from Calabria, Pigato from Liguria, Schiava from Alto Adige, Gamba di Pernice from Piedmont, and hundreds of other grape varieties that are of lesser international fame and diffusion.
The main goal of Vitigno Italia: making these intriguing and prestigious varieties accessible, both to traders and the general public. This Trade Show - absolutely unique in Southern Italy, both for its scientific contents and its growing number of exhibitors - is exclusively focused on traditional Italian wines: a charming and endless wine tour consisting of specialized workshops, guided tasting sessions, promotional, technical, business and cultural events.
Three days dedicated entirely to quality wines, strictly linked to their respective “terroirs”, perfumes, tastes and colours. Italy boasts a unique historical asset of grape varieties: over 350 varieties grown in a total area of 700,000 Ha. This is an unequalled as well as unrivalled heritage. France, for example, has few more than 40 varieties, followed by Spain with 20, and New World competitor Australia with 15 varieties.
This richness is what has inspired the Main Concept of Vitigno Italia: it is not simply a barren Wine Trade Show but, rather, an international kermes aiming to promote the secular and inseparable link between Italian wines and their lands of origin. The main commitment of the Organizers is to promote and preserve the local native varieties as true expressions of their territories, culture and history, and against the dangers of the globalization wine.
Over 400 exhibitors - both large and small wineries - have confirmed their attendance from 18 Italian regions, giving life to a virtual and emotional wine tour from Trentino to Sicily. Traders and the general public will get to know and taste over 4,000 wines: a journey into the aromas, flavours and scents of regional vineyards, all expressing the beauty of typical and different wine districts joined in one endless “Vigneto Italia”.
Tasting sessions, gastronomic workshops, and events, as well as editorial initiatives will make Vitigno Italia ( an incomparable and inimitable exhibition.
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