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Wine and the EU: the National ranking for CMO Promotions. But PNS funds have been reduced

Investments planned in 2021 for Italian wineries total 59 million euros (of which 29.8 million from public co-financing), despite uncertainties
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Wine and the EU: the National ranking of CMO Promotion. But less PNS funding

There is still considerable uncertainty not only on the markets, but also on what can and cannot be done regarding traveling, moving, events, and so on. However, Italian wineries are being courageous and trying to jump the obstacle, by planning International promotion activities for 2021. They are putting significant amounts on the table, supplemented by CMO funds for promotion in third countries. The total value the National competition has released to finance promotional projects is 59 million euros, and 29.8 million euros public co-financing of which 23.8 million euros distributed as this year’s resources. The balance of the remaining funds will be distributed over the next financial years.
This is what the Ministry of Agriculture’s Directorate Decree no. 40276 dated January 27, 2021 stated, which reported the “provisional” approval of the National projects classification for the Wine Promotion CMO measure 2020/2021 campaign.
The Enotria Promotion Association and the Be Wines Association projects will receive the largest sum of public funding -3 million euros out of 6 million euros total, followed by the temporary association of enterprises in Italy, ATI, project for the Institute of High Quality Italian Wine Grandi Marchi (which includes 19 of the top wineries in Italy: Alois Lageder, Ambrogio and Giovanni Folonari Tenute, Antinori, Argiolas, Col d’Orcia, Ca’ del Bosco, Carpenè Malvolti, Donnafugata, Gaja, Jermann, Lungarotti, Masi, Mastroberardino, Michele Chiarlo, Pio Cesare, Rivera, Tasca d'Almerita, Tenuta San Guido and Umani Ronchi), which will receive 2.9 million euros out of a 5.9 million euros project. Then, the Do. Promotion Società Cooperativa, will receive funds for 2.8 million euros on a 5.8 million euros project. Further, the weighty sum of 2.9 million euros (out of 5.2 million euros for the overall ATI project) will be allocated to the Consorzio Tuscany, and 2.6 million euros out of a total of 5.2 million euros will go to the Associazione Avimo and Associazione Amaranth projects. The ATI projects led by Santa Margherita stand out at 2.4 million euros of co-financing out of the 4.8 million euros total investment, followed by the ATI project led by Casa Vinicola Zonin, for 1.9 million euros of public funds out of 3.9 million for the project, and then the ATI project by Castello del Poggio, which is worth 2.9 million euros, receiving 1.4 million euros of co-financing. Next, the ATI project by Bertani Domains will get 1.3 million euros in funding on a 2.6 million euros project, and the ATI project led by Allegrini will get funds for 1.2 million euros on 2.4 million euros total. The Magellano Consortium project totaling 2.2 million euros will receive 1.1 million euros, and the FEDERDOC project totaling 589.901 euros, will receive 312.057 euros.
It should be noted, as it has been a typical recurrence recently, that the names and surnames of most of the beneficiaries are of public domain, especially the leading Italian wine companies, while it is not easy to find information on the net for other companies because the “transparency principle” is not always observed. Anyway, these promotion resources are fundamental, and the sector will be able to count on them in the future, though maybe to a slightly lesser extent. This is because, as FEDERVINI reported in decree no. 30803 dated January 22, 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture has adjusted the ceiling of resources for the National Support Plan (PNS) for Wine, incorporating the financial programming of CAP 2021-2027. There will be a total of 323 million euros available to Italy, every year, compared to the 336 million euros in the 2014-2020 cycle. In detail, promotion resources in third countries have dropped to 98 million euros (from 101 million euros the previous year), restructuring of vineyards has dropped from 150 to 144 million euros, the investment measure has dropped from 60 to 57.6, the green harvest, from 5 to 4.8 million euros, and resources for distillation of by-products, from 20 to 19.2 million euros.

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