“Big name wines are “frightening”, above for their astronomical prices, but there really are very few people who cannot spend 5 or 10 euros to satisfy a curiosity, by tasting these wines by the glass. Serving wine by the glass, and maybe above all, serving the “big” wines, “clears” these so very important bottles that are currently penalized by the market crisis, by putting them concretely back in the game”. These were the decisive comments by Lodovico Antinori, who is at the forefront of the new enological challenge at Tenuta Campo di Sasso, after having led wines like Ornellaia and Masseto into the exclusive “club” of the world’s best wines.
The wine by the glass service, therefore, is the “Easter egg”, the intelligent solution that has been found to increase sales. Il Sole 24ore journalist, Davide Paolini, also known as the “Gastronaut”, noted that, “I have been saying for years that wine by the glass represents an intelligent way to increase consumers and a path to follow with more conviction, here [in Italy], and not only in wine bars, but, why not also in restaurants, as in other countries like the United States and Australia, or as in the top 10 wine bars in Paris. Among other things, there are valid machines that exist today that can conserve wine and which can be used not only in wine bars, but also in the above-mentioned restaurants…. Of course, as well as adequate equipment, another important competency is that of a good sommelier, who is capable of opening and finishing as many bottles as possible in one night”.
The final position of Enzo Vizzari, Director of the Gruppo Espresso Guides: “Wine by the glass is decisive, fundamental, not only for an increase in consumption levels in a critical situation like that of today, but also for the maturation of tastes among those who are just beginning their passion for wine, mostly young people. If wine producers know how to read the moment with adequate intelligence, they will propose the politic of ad hoc prices for wine by the glass services, attractive both for wine bars and for restaurants”.
And among restaurant owners, there are some who have already bet on serving wine by the glass. Gianfrance Bolognesi, owner of “La Frasca” restaurant in Castrocaro Terme explains, “I have been serving wine by the glass for 35 years, and I will continue to do so with conviction and good results. Especially at lunchtime, it is the most immediate and frequent way to serve wine to our clients, while in the evening the bottle is still preferred”.
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