“All producers should write this on their labels as an indication of responsibility”: this was the affirmation made by Andrea Muccioli, the head of the San Patrignano community (the largest and most famous rehabilitation community in Italy), in an interview on www.winenews.tv. At San Patrignano, which in recent years has started producing wines (also approved by wine critics) with “counter-labels” on the bottles stating, “Wine is joy and health. Drink with moderation”.
Muccioli explained that wine, like most other things, from work, to sex and play, can become an addiction. The youth at San Patrignano, victims of a past haunted by addiction, must learn to manage with the responsibility of their life, which can include, in point, the consumption of wine. And every day during meals, over 1,800 people eat together, and have made it the habit to drink just one glass of wine per meal, in order to learn that wine, as Muccioli notes, “is not necessarily getting drunk, but culture, tradition, history, joy, and conviviality”.
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